Thursday 2 June 2011

Autism THE Gift...Treatment Therapy

Kids Wellness and Treatment Page!

What do you see when you look at a child whose behavior don't meet the norm? Do you feel sad for the child, the family - What really goes through your mind?
I feel with time and extensive teaching to a diagnosis happy society we'll be able to curb the neglect of these very special kids--I personally believe each of us have unique talents some of which needs to be learnt and some of which is absolutely natural. How about helping one child at a time turn the corner and reach the goal--"me to"!
I've tested my theory through life's experiences. I've used my approach with many kids indirectly, and each time I see positive results I'm so absolutely overwhelmed.
Each child is capable and every kid starts learning at different levels. For some kids guidance is critical to development--my only example of this as I see it is; struggling to learn a new language within a new and different culture.
Each of us has individual levels of capability and some of us pushes ourselves to excel based on needs or social pressures. We all know that each of us has the ability to become doctors--Right? Yep! actually we do, but each of us chooses different routes to travel, because of preferences which comes with likes, dislikes, gifts and social advantages, or disadvantages.
For this very reason some of us are labourers, factory workers, actors, comedians, sales clerk, lawyers, dentists, doctors, etc. Aren't you "Pleased" that we live in a society where we are all so extremely unique in a multitude of ways.
I have the knowledge, experience and training to help your child through wellness therapy--it's teaching on a level that will focus on the child's needs--not society's needs.
I have years of community nursing experience working one to one with individuals and kids. I also function in this capacity as a school nurse working in the classroom with hundreds of kids. I'm also very creative and enjoys; art, photography, crafts, designing, creating solutions, and more. For each problem there's a solution--Did you know this for a fact? Yes--actually there's an actual solution to every problem. Do you have the knowledge and the resources to find the answers you seek? That's the real question--

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